Oleh: Andini Putri Ayu Lestari (5 Tahfidz B)
Nuha Janiyya (3 Kitab A)
Mental health is encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Depression, anxiety, and stress are one of the common mental health challenges. Negativity is one of the causal factors of mental illness. Of course, everyone can have a healthy mental for theirselves, because should prioritize it, so...
How to uninstall negativity from ourselves:
1) Leave friends or patners who bring negativity.
Friends are the closest people that we have in Pesantren, as our closest people, they can influence our life. Like one of common proverb sounds “Make friends with parfumme seller, and don’t make friends with steel maker, cause if you make friends with a parfumme seller you will be splashed the fragrance, but if you make a friends with steel maker you will be exposed the heat“
So, you have to make friends with people who brings benefit and positive things.
2) Stir up yourself with positive things.
Absolutely, as santri we have so many obligations like study, memorize Al-Qur’an or Alfiyyah. But, if you want to have a healthy mental you shouldn’t make your obligations and your bustles as your load. But you have to enjoy it, and still regulate your time and equalize your obligations and your rights as a santri.
3) Approach ourselves to Allah.
· How?
Adjust oneself
to dzikir
Avoid your
carnal desire (like zuhud and fasting)
Do sunnah pious
(like tahajud, witir, etc.)
- Reciting the holy Qur’an certainly
4) Keep close to people around us
Be trapped in
sadness is a negative thing, you can do a deep talk with your parents, sisters,
brothers or your bestfriend, so that the negative things will disappear.
5) Do reflection
Reflection is
used to calm yourself down. So, these are the steps:
Place yourself
at quite place
Close your eyes
Take a deep
breath from your noise slowly
Exhale it from
your mouth slowly
Do it until you
feel better!
you can hug yourself when you feel down and say “it’s ok, it’s fine, the problem will go away, you are
enough, you are worth it!”
yourself, help others! help the world to have a healthy mental! do it without
fear or judgement. Cause I believe that everyone can have their own healthy